Judging Children’s Handicrafts at The City of Worcester Flower Show 2012

I am honoured to be the judge of the Children’s Handicrafts section at Worcester City Flower Show tomorrow.  Entries will include an animal made from fruit and vegetables only, a painting of fruit or vegetables, a miniature garden in a seed tray, size 370mm x 240mm and  a collage made from recycled goods or natural materials, size A3.

Pictures of the winning exhibits will be on my blog soon.. I can’t wait until tomorrow 🙂

Tomorrow has arrived! I had a wonderful morning in Gheluvelt Park, here are the results that you have been waiting for…

1. Best painting based on fruit or vegetable, under 5’s  The picture below was created by a four year old and includes an aubergine person, butternut squash person, fennel person, cabbage person, runner bean person and 3 radish people. Its amazing!

2. An animal made from fruit and vegetables (6-10 year olds).  This was my favourite category.  In order we have the pear and courgette dog, the wonderful pepper ladybird with sultana spots and pin antennae (front view and side view) and finally a potato head with sultana eyes, mouth, a sporting red pepper cap and huge mushroom ears..

3.  A collage made from recycled goods or natural materials, size A3 (6-10 years). Wonderful eyes made from the bottom of tin cans. 

4. A miniature garden in a seed tray (age 6-11 years), huge amounts of effort went into ‘a tedees picnic’, a plasticine slide, a lollipop stick and cotton reel see-saw, lots of jam tarts on a mushroom fabric picnic blanket and some very indulgent plasticine tedees! I will stay in tonight and try out my well earnt bottle of red vino, thanks to the lovely park wardens at Gheluvelt Park. 🙂 I’ve had a wonderful day and seen some fantastic art work completed by the children of Worcester.

About Sarah Millin

I am an illustrator that uses everyday waste materials in my work.
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2 Responses to Judging Children’s Handicrafts at The City of Worcester Flower Show 2012

  1. jenniwaugh says:

    What an honour and recognition of your marvellous work. We look forward to seeing all the entries. Looking at the pictures below I think picking just one winner might be rather a tough task!

  2. Sarah Millin says:

    Yes, I think there will be lots of difficult decisions to make tomorrow.

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